Chapter 141: Spirit Weapon Qiushui, No Books' Desire to Survive

Two sword lights rose in the distance, immediately drawing the attention of four monsters and one man in the narrow alley.

The one who was to meet with the four Rat Demons was indeed Wushu, without a doubt.

Among the four monsters and one man present, his reaction was the quickest.

At this moment, his "professionalism" as an Darknet courier was genuinely demonstrated.

Upon witnessing the distant sword light, Wushu immediately employed a special escape method, instantly disappearing from the spot by turning into a bubble shadow.

The speed at which he bolted, left one speechless.

No sooner had Li Jing and Chen Yuran controlled the sword light and were just about to refract it over there, when in less than a breath, Wushu vanished without a trace.

Not to mention Chen Yuran, even Li Jing, who clearly knew Wushu's origin, was taken aback.

True professionals, they really are different.