Chapter 144: Pointing at the Secret Realm, Preordering Magic Skill

A Secret Realm Passage reappeared?

Li Jing hesitated, furrowing his brows with suspicion.

He didn't know what 107 small-sized Secret Realm was.

But the broadcast clearly mentioned that the Spatial Passage to the 107 small-sized Secret Realm had recently been closed over half a month ago. The timing matched, it was obviously the one near the coastline in North City.

This matter...

Something's not right!

It's possible for the Secret Realm Passage to reopen, but it's impossible for it to open again after just half a month.

In recorded cases, the fastest a Secret Realm Passage has reopened has always been after more than ten years.

Is it related to the unknown Wisdom Civilization within the Secret Realm?

Li Jing made a guess quietly, pulling out his tablet to search for related information.

Soon, his guess was confirmed.

Indeed, it was the small Secret Realm by the coast in North City where the passage had reappeared.