Chapter 211: Infighting, A Million Fighting Thunder

The sky and earth changed color in an instant, with Zhang, the head of Linglong Tower, and Lu Yanran looking up in surprise.

Forbidden skills, known for their vast impact range and immense power.

But the ultimate effectiveness depends on the caster.

Li Jing is at the Fifth Boundary.

Logically, even after learning a forbidden skill, he would only be able to exert some of its power at most.

Boundary level and proficiency are the two most direct factors influencing the power of a forbidden skill.

In terms of boundary level, Li Jing had only just reached the threshold for learning forbidden skills.

In terms of proficiency, he had only recently acquired the forbidden skill. No matter how monstrous his talent, he was still a beginner.

However, the oppressive aura that almost suffocated everyone between the heavens and the earth made it clear to Zhang and Lu Yanran that Li Jing's command of the forbidden skill was far beyond that of a beginner.