Chapter 244: The Supreme Church, Turning Faces at Light Speed

Up until now, Yulian could be said to be the fattest female demon that Li Jing had ever kept.

She had been raised from the Fifth Boundary to the Six Realm, and she was currently making great strides towards the middle stage of the Six Realm.

Following Li Jing, not only did she have endless amounts of same-rank demonic beast flesh and blood to eat, but she also made a fortune.

Let's not mention the revenue from the previous black market in West City. Just speaking about the income they got from robbing the Daohe Fleet before entering the Secret Realm, in just a few hours, she made more than what she would from grooming a national-level icon.

When she received Li Jing's communication, Yulian was using her body to urge Jiu Li to create drafts while contemplating what to eat for dinner.

Should she eat something ordinary discreetly or secretly indulge in dried Six Realm snake meat as a snack?

Upon receiving the sudden communication, Yulian was jolted and stood up.