Chapter 260: Eradicate, Still Water Like Mirror

This sudden change of events dazed the other two snake people.

Seeing their companion's severed head flying out and his body falling to the ground with a "thud," the two snake people felt a chill running down their spines, not daring to make any move.

Li Jing had only unleashed his flying sword, and their companion was beheaded. The two were even clueless about what had just happened.

Compared to their towering height of fifty meters, Li Jing seemed insignificant.

But he, with very casual action, had instantly killed one of their own.

How could they not feel terrified?

Being creatures relying mainly on body cultivation even if the difference in cultivation level was vast, there was no reason for them to die so senselessly.

How frightening is the strength of the man in front of them?

Could the realm of Present World People possess such a terrifying existence?
