Chapter 272: Sudden Schemes, Adding Fuel to the Fire

After a short while, Li Jing arrived near the western ruins.

Given that many forces had sent numerous Late Six Realm cultivators, among whom there were inevitably those with powerful Primordial Spirits unaffected by the Silent Shadow, he didn't go directly into the range of the ruins.

He found a deserted place where he changed out of his Management Bureau uniform and used the appearance-changing talisman to transform his appearance into that of Jing Rong's.

Before coming to the Big Secret Realm, his preparations had been quite adequate.

He had spared no expense in securing items like the appearance-changing talisman, which were cheap and effective, and could conceal his identity when necessary.

Transforming into Jing Rong was a decision made after considering various factors.

By now, Li Jing had developed quite a reputation.

Having successively raided both the White Hawk and Daohe exploration teams, his identity had been thoroughly investigated by all parties.