Chapter 298: First Glimpse of Dawn, Dilemma

Upon learning that Yang Qiuci had used three types of Pupil Techniques including the Sky Eye Technique and still failed to detect the handprint, Li Jing's brows furrowed slightly.

Yang Qiuci's Sky Eye Technique was only in its early stages and was not up to the Sky Eye standard.

Her inability to discover the handprint was not because the energy hidden within it was weak, but because its nature was obscure and hard to detect.

This situation suggested that the energy nature within it was far higher than that of Spiritual Qi and had a stealthy character.

The fact that two types of verification Pupil Techniques failed to find any trace indicated that only energy traits are contained in the handprint. It was a very pure form of power.

This nature was relatively uncommon.

Energy characteristics like Spiritual Qi, Evil Energy, and Demonic Qi could not reach this level.