Chapter 316: Big Exposure, Old Friend

Just as Li Jing predicted.

Two agents from the Sky Shield Bureau quickly dealt with the five thugs who had followed them again, not leaving until the female reporter had driven three blocks away from Langeckter District.

All in all, they followed her for more than twenty minutes.

Seeing that the two Sky Shield Bureau agents had finally left, the female reporter breathed a silent sigh of relief before glancing in their direction.

"Sir, are you still with me?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

Li Jing responded.

"Let's drive a bit further, we'll find a safe place to talk."

At this moment, Li Jing's Silent Shadow was still activated.

To the female reporter, the front passenger seat was always empty.

Of course.

This was Li Jing's doing.

When Silent Shadow is activated, it doesn't affect everyone indiscriminately; you can choose specific individuals who will not be affected.

At least, that's how Li Jing saw it.