Chapter 321: Interrupt, Escape

Having achieved a certain level of understanding, Li Jing found, quite unexpectedly, that he too could enter the Little Universe.

This functionality was seemingly bugged.

But strictly speaking, it wasn't too surprising.

For the Descendants of an Ancient God, a survival space opened by a Spirit Seed was meant for refuge. Wouldn't it be useless if even the one who opened it couldn't enter?

Though there were restrictions on entering and exiting the Little Universe, its role in emergency evasion was quite tangible.

As for its use in storage, it was essentially the same as a storage space.

The only difference was that now he needed to touch things to store them, unlike before, when just a thought would suffice.

While engaging with the Little Universe to see if it had any other unique characteristics, Linglong's childlike voice echoed in his ears.

"Master, this big guy's blood has been drained."

Li Jing turned his head in response.