Chapter 329: Dark Street, Making a Comeback

Black Butterfly is not a chatty person, she only talks when Li Jing initiates the conversation.

Childlike, engrossed in her game, not uttering a word, Li Jing exchanged a few words with Black Butterfly as things quickly quieted down.

It wasn't that Li Jing didn't want to chat with Black Butterfly, but he simply ran out of things to say.

He was very interested in the Sinister Gate behind Black Butterfly.

However, it was their first meeting and neither of them knew much about the other. He can't just ask questions randomly.

Furthermore, the topic of the Hidden World Sect was sensitive, as an outsider, he'd rather not ask if possible, to avoid any misunderstanding.

Barring such topics, Li Jing didn't know what else to talk about.


Communication indeed depends on both parties.

With Black Butterfly moving less than still water, how could he find a conversational topic?

Black Butterfly seemed to realize her problem too.