Chapter 348: Entering the Protected Area, Fox Clan's Wu Ming

Lingnan City, located on the edge of Longyu Country.

Due to the existence of the Lingnan Nature Reserve, the city has developed quite well.

The standard of living can be compared to the top tier, although the city's construction is somewhat deficient, its development has been quite rapid in recent years.

Speaking of the Lingnan Nature Reserve, it is quite famous within Longyu's territory.

Its establishment aims to protect the original ecology and ensure biodiversity, protect some rare animals, and also serve as an important source within Longyu for resource production.

Approximately one-tenth of the Spirit Items and Spiritual materials produced in this world that can be seen on the Spirit Item Trading Market, originate from the production area of the Lingnan Nature Reserve.

One tenth.

It might not feel much when considered from a proportion view.

But you must know.

The entire surface and underwater area of Longyu Country is nearly fifty million square kilometers.