Chapter 383: West Asia, Preparation for Exploration

Northern God Kingdom, West Asia.

This is a magical place.

It is freezing all year round, with temperatures dropping to 80 degrees below zero during the coldest days in winter, which can last up to nine months.

Due to long-term exposure to extreme cold and low temperatures, West Asia ranks among the top ten areas with the harshest living conditions in the entire planet of Blue Star.

Those who lack abilities will simply not survive here.

However, due to the harsh environment, West Asia is the favorite destination of the strongest in the Northern God Kingdom.

The number of top practitioners who come here for cultivation or even settle permanently is countless.

Most of the top-level practitioners of various world powers, like Longyu, are mostly gravitating towards the capital or the core of power.

They either settle in the capital or live in seclusion in surrounding cities.

But, in the Northern God Kingdom here,