Chapter 386: The Secret Realm Opens, Stepping Into the Talisman Method

Seeing the awkwardness on the person's face, Yuliya tilted her head.

"What's wrong? Counselor Lee, you're not telling me you don't recognize me, are you?"

"No, it's just that you came at just the right time."

Li Jing smiled and introduced her to the other person.

"This is Director Jiang Yini, my immediate superior."


Yuliya turned her head, looked closely at Jiang Yini, and nodded with a smile.

"Director Jiang, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Yuliya, the Guardian God of the Northern God Country."

Jiang Yini didn't recognize Yuliya.

The identity of the guardian gods in every country is basically top secret.

Only a few high-level people might know about it.

Not to mention Yuliya standing in front of them now.

Jiang Yini didn't even know who the current guardian gods of Longyu were in detail.

Who exactly the guardian gods of Longyu are, her father is indeed qualified to know.

But that doesn't mean she has that right too.