Chapter 406: Robbery Thunder Nine Break, Reverse Space

The mini universe does not have a sun or moon, so naturally there is no concept of day or night.

Of course.

The concept of time flow as a whole exists.

When it's night in the outside world, a cool breeze will blow in the mini universe, and during the day there will be a warmth everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, time reached around four in the morning.

Li Jing had spent most of the night looking for Shi Miaoxue's master's formation notes in the Tianque Palace Library, but he couldn't find them.

However, he did not hastily give up.

The item surely exists.

The key is to know where.

He would have to look through millions of documents and texts which is virtually impossible, even with his advantage.

Another hour passed.

Li Jing pulled out a book from a shelf deep in the library and began to go through it.

The next second.

A prompt popped up on his status bar.

"Discover forbidden skill Robbery Thunder Nine Break, do you wish to log in?"