Chapter 419: Da Xia's Reform, the Old Versailles

The journey home was short.

Before long, Li Jing and Jiang Yini had returned to Longyu's base and had contacted Ji Youyu to meet at the Heavenly King Group's camp for a briefing.

Through Ji Youyu, the two learned that within a single day, Da Xia Imperial City had become a gathering storm of events, with multiple instances of instability.

Fortunately, Xia Qianqian managed to withstand the pressure in the end.

She proved quite adept at playing her part.

She used her designation as the Heavenly Saint Guardian's chosen one and branded herself as a ruler chosen by destiny, playing the royal mandate card.

But this was just to fool those with outdated views.

What really grounded Xia Qianqian was her bold initiative to enact several reforms shortly after being named the successor to the Da Xia Regal Authority. She deliberately requested a copy of the laws currently in effect in the Present World from Longyu as a reference, and abolished all the unfair laws of Da Xia.