Chapter 422: Plucking Feathers from a Flying Goose, Holy Relic

The Levake Port Cathedral isn't simply majestic in appearances, but is also one of the sixty-four Sacred Temples established by the Supreme Court on the West Continent.

As a matter of fact.

Levake Port itself is also quite unique.

Its geographical location is exactly west of the East Continent, and located in the Outer Sea beyond Levake Port are countless islands.

Many of these islands are inhabited, and they form an island chain alliance known as "Sky Wolf."

Unlike the Supreme Court's absolute control over the West Continent.

The Sky Wolf island chain is situated over the Outer Sea, almost out of the Supreme Court's control, and difficult to reach.

Most people in the Sky Wolf chain have little to do with the Supreme Court and, even if they do, they don't hold a good impression of it. Quite a lot of them are even considered by the court to be ruthless heretics.

There are believers of the Supreme Church among the islanders.