Chapter 425: Supreme God's Incantation, Intriguing Situation

An hour later, a fleet of at least seven to eight thousand ships gradually began to depart from Jastin Port in groups, setting sail in an impressive manner.

You have to say.

The sight of so many ships setting sail together was surprisingly organized.

All the forces from the West Continent and the present world tacitly steered clear of the Supreme Church and the Present World Church's fleet, letting them lead the way. At the same time, they each formed small groups.

Observing this scene, Li Jing felt quite reflective.

In the Heavenly Saint West Continent, the development of the Supreme Church was very solid, their word was law.

Despite the fact that the fleets from the various forces of the West Continent were as many, if not outnumbering the Supreme Church, not a single one dared to oppose them.

In the present world, the likes of White Hawk would have sprung up long ago.

What a joke.

Occasionally they might cooperate with you, but who do you think you are?