Chapter 444: Shocking the White Hawk, Building a City in a Month

In terms of mental fortitude, the people of Blue Star are not lacking.

After all, this is a world where everyone practices Cultivation.

However, to be as resilient as the urbanites of Longyu Country, there might not be a second place like that in the entirety of Blue Star.

The scene and pressure akin to an apocalypse arrived swiftly and retreated just as quickly, but they left a deep imprint on the minds of every citizen in all cities along the Eastern Coast of White Hawk.

Instantly, the entire Eastern Coast, arguably the forefront of the White Hawk Federation's economy, descended into chaos.

Some people broke down and howled in despair; some packed their belongings, intending to leave.

The medical system also collapses simultaneously.

There were too many people who fell unconscious, unable to bear the might of the heavenly punishment.

Even though these people were essentially unharmed, merely fainting, who knew if there could be any exceptions?