Chapter 465: Entering the Tenth Realm, Becoming a True Immortal

In the blink of an eye, two days had passed.

The chosen representatives from various clans of the Seventh Realm had been arriving successively on the Ghost Clan's territory, quickly accumulating to more than four hundred individuals.

Li Jing's anticipated "fish" did not take the bait.

However, he was not in a hurry.

As a professional fisherman, he had patience.

Not to mention that the big fish doesn't get caught that easily, the more than four hundred people who have currently gathered on the Ghost Clan's territory are just the "appetizer", with about eighty high priests yet to arrive.

Along with them, their successors will also be coming.

The successors are coming, on one hand to bid farewell to the retiring High Priest, and on the other hand to formally represent their own tribes in negotiations with various present world forces to reach cooperative agreements of mutual benefit.