Chapter 492: Tea-Flavored Spirit Weapon, Attending a Banquet

Li Jing, having bid goodbye to Li Lingyin, directly entered the Little Universe.

In the Qingyuan Fairy Palace, where the Heritage Stele rests.

Guzheng Spirit Weapon and Linglong, along with the other spirits, were sitting cross-legged, immersed in meditation in front of the Heritage Stele.

Sensing Li Jing's arrival, the spirits opened their eyes.

Meeting their gaze, Li Jing gestured for his own four spirits to continue, then turned his attention to the Guzheng Spirit Weapon.

"It's time to send you on your way."

The Guzheng Spirit Weapon nodded, looked at the Heritage Stele with some reluctance, then let her spirit form dissolve back into her physical form.

She faced her fate without much resistance.

The fact was, artifacts were made to be used by others.

And for her, who was just 'born', having an owner and receiving the nourishment of their power was far more beneficial than being an ownerless artifact.

Then here.