Chapter 494: Tong Rou's Invitation, Star God Temple

The Guzheng Spirit Weapon had chosen to recognize Tong Rou as its master of its own volition, naturally due to its approval of her.

As the palace master of the Immortal Music Palace,

Tong Rou had been immersed in the path of sound and music for countless years. She not only mastered music theory but also was knowledgeable about musical instruments.

To the Guzheng Spirit Weapon, she was without a doubt an excellent choice for a master.

A considerable time passed.

The music finally came to an end.

Tong Rou's performance was moving, causing all the guests present to become intoxicated in its charm to the point of losing themselves.

Not until someone began to cheer did they remember to give her their applause.

Li Jing, who knew nothing about music theory, also enjoyed himself and clapped along with the others.

Li Lingyin, who usually only had eyes for wine, also gave Tong Rou a round of applause after the end of the piece.