Is Li Jing acting as a diversion for the Blue Phoenix?

Of course not.

He is indeed diverting the "firepower".

But not for the Blue Phoenix, but for the Essence Source.

He has no choice.

If he does not suppress the evil aura, countless remnant souls that dare not approach him would instead head for Blue Phoenix and others who have ventured into the Burial Immortal Land.

His heavenly tribulation is "salvaging" the remnant souls in the Burial Immortal Land at an extraordinarily high efficiency.

No matter if it's the Venerable Realm or above, one blow takes out one.

Who could stand this?

If he does not find a solution, where can he get more Essence Source?

Once the evil aura was suppressed, Li Jing no longer had any protection.

Under the siege of countless remnant souls, he was in a lot of distress.

The remnant souls who had lost all their intelligence had no fancy tricks.

They could only gnaw or scratch with their hands...