Chapter 543: Law Heaven and Earth, Scorched and Desolate Land

The vision of Li Jing's ascent continued on for quite a while.

It was not until two hours later did it gradually dissipate.

Immediately after.

A golden light column descended from the horizon, enveloping him beneath.


A burst of overwhelming blood Qi, not far off from that of Jin Ritian's when he achieved indestructible flesh, erupted from Li Jing.

Accompanying it.

In the domain behind Li Jing manifested a phantom of a figure, seated cross-legged yet towering like a titan, slowly opened its eyes.

With the opening of these phantasmal eyes.

Endless divine light bloomed from their depths, releasing an oppressive aura that left one breathless.

At this moment, Qingfeng and the others had already extricated themselves from the Charming Spirit's influence.

Upon witnessing such a spectacle, Jin Ritian found himself drawing a sharp, cold breath.

"Li Jing... It appears he not only achieved immortality but also possesses the ability to open Law Heaven and Earth?"