Chapter 557: The Domain Lord Runs Off, Tong Rou Takes Over

After some discussions, Li Jing and Ji Qing returned to Cangming Entertainment City. He then opened a space rift to Ta Xue Trading Company for her to find Tong Xiaoxiao on her own.

After seeing off Ji Qing, Li Jing walked out of the CEO's office.

Li Lingyin's Domain Lord's Office was on the same floor.

Upon arriving at the office door, Li Jing knocked.

"Knock, knock," twice.

A melodious female voice soon came from the office.

"Come in."

At this response, Li Jing slightly furrowed his brows.

The person in the office at this moment was not Li Lingyin, but Tong Rou.

Without thinking too much, Li Jing pushed the door open.

The door opened.

The breathtaking beauty of the Immortal Music Palace Palace Master came into sight.

She was propping her cheek with one hand, puckering her little mouth and flipping through some documents with a pen clamped between her delicate red lips.

At this sight, Li Jing's expression became strange.