Chapter 603: Tavern Interlude, Carefree Taoist

The street corner tavern Li Jing was interested in was worn and decrepit on the outside, and naturally no better on the inside.

But this kind of place.

Indeed, it was the place most frequented by all sorts of people.

The run-down condition both inside and out meant that the price was naturally not high.

With low prices, it naturally catered to the low-income population of Nightly City who lacked money and power.

If they really set the lowest price starting with top grade Immortal Crystals, such a place would not attract the corresponding clientele.

But you wouldn't believe it.

Upon entering and finding a seat in the tavern, Li Jing found that the tavern did indeed offer some quite valuable good wines.

Even though he didn't understand what they were just from the names, if a single cup cost five top grade Immortal Crystals, they couldn't be bad.

As it stands.

Li Jing, who once abstained from alcohol, was now a bit choosy.

Most of this was due to Li Lingyin's influence.