Chapter 616: Honghuang Heavenly Treasure, Zhenshi Monument

Faced with a question, Nalan Que's complexion changed several times before he finally responded quietly.

"This is the Realm Stele, a strange treasure that fell from the Upper Three Realms in the Ancient Fairyland era. This treasure can suppress an entire realm."

"Suppress a realm?"

Li Jing blinked and cocked his head, asking.

"By 'realm,' do you mean an independent world?"

Nalan Que nodded, his facial expression indescribable with bitterness.

He knew.

Now that Master Jiu had appeared, the Realm Stele had nothing to do with him.

If he didn't want to suffer, he might as well tell the truth.

But Nalan Que felt miserable.

What had he sacrificed for the Realm Stele?

He was deceived and harmed by the first Beiming Emperor, reduced to a remnant soul, and had to cling to life in an independent world for many years.

He was about to reach "success," who would have known he'd run into this indomitable character?

Bad luck!

This is terribly bad luck!