Chapter 623: Do You Know What the Great Heavenly Dragon Means?

The unexpected incident happened abruptly.

As they watched the chilling Heavenly Punishment, in the form of a command, shoot into the high sky, everyone present, including the Candle Dragon, was somewhat dumbfounded.

They are not Li Jing.

They can't hear the whispers of the Big World's Heavenly Taoist.

But these two Heavenly Punishments in a row...

The first shattered the Buddha's Light, then pierced through the void.

Not only did it help Li Jing out of the predicament, but it also forcibly shattered the void for him...

Even a fool could see that the will of the Big World had intervened.

The shattered void.

Normally it's only possible when ascending to a higher level.

But those who truly shatter the void are never the cultivators themselves.

It's the rules.

Without the corresponding rules, how could the boundless void be broken by the multitude of creatures?

Take a step back.

Let you shatter the void.

Do you know what lies behind the void you shattered?