Chapter 637: Unbeatable in the World, Yaochi's Azure Kirin

Hearing the tinkling laughter that reverberated down to her bones, Yangxue narrowed her eyes and lowered her voice.

"Elder Kong, did Master Jiu... just try to deceive me? She really is a fox demon, isn't she?"

Kong Zhi was at a loss for words.

"To be honest, I'm not sure, this person is really..."

He stopped speaking midway.

It was not that he didn't want to say it, but he didn't know how to describe it.

In essence, he didn't know much about Li Jing.

Aside from their first meeting, most of what he knew came from hearsay.

This was the first time he had seen such a side of her.

She did indeed look like a fox demon, whose flirty nature she could hardly hide.

But Li Jing herself had said that she was not a fox demon.

Given her status, she didn't have to lie to him and Yangxue.

On the contrary, her willingness to reveal to them that the legendary Master Jiu was just an alias, was, to some extent, an expression of her trust in them.

After a moment of silence, Kong Zhi spoke.