Chapter 679: Physical Out-of-body, Extraterrestrial Demon

The night deepens.

Li Jing followed the Ancestral Dragon across space, arriving at an unknown small town in the area controlled by the neighboring Zeroth Mechanism where the Ancestral Dragon's shed skin resides.

The small town is not developed.

But it has all the essentials.

At this late hour,

There is no shortage of people on the street, and countless stalls spring up, targeting the late-night shoppers.

Upon arriving in the small town, the Ancestral Dragon, familiar with the area, led Li Jing to a nearby snack street, walking into a humble late-night stall.

As soon as he stepped through the door, the Ancestral Dragon called out in a commoner's tone to the busy proprietress.

"Aunt Bao!"

The proprietress called Aunt Bao, startled upon hearing the voice, turned around and was surprised to see the Ancestral Dragon.

"Ancestral one? When did you get back?"

"Earlier today, just came back to visit."

The Ancestral Dragon cheerfully replied.