Fa Kong, you'll get the most vicious beating if you say the most flirtatious words!

the host has encountered an anomaly in fate Energy [ fa Kong ]. You have the following choices now.

one, if you refuse to accept a disciple, you will be given an offensive numinous treasure.

two, you can receive a divine power inheritance once after being accepted as a disciple.

Ye chen naturally chose the second option without any hesitation.

Then, ye chen stood up and walked towards the little monk fa Kong's stall.

Zi Menghan and Li Qingzhou looked at each other in surprise. They had rarely seen their master act like this. Could it be that the little Fatty's stall had a treasure that their master was interested in?

When the young monk fa Kong saw someone standing in front of his stall, he flung his shoulder-length hair back and said with a smile, " "Fellow Daoists, is there anything that you like?"

this wind escape shuttle has extreme speed. Even primordial soul realm experts can't catch up to it. It's very useful!