The seventh Princess of the Ziwei Empire

"Don't worry, master is here." Ye chen said to Zi Menghan through his divine sense.

He knew that Zi Menghan must have suffered a lot of unfair treatment in the Ziwei Empire. Seeing the people from the Ziwei Empire suddenly coming, it was inevitable that his mood would be affected, so he comforted her.

Ye chen was a steady person, but he was still very concerned about his disciples.

Hearing ye Chen's voice transmission, Zi Menghan felt much more at ease, and her expression returned to normal.

In the distance, three exquisite figures floated over. Two of them were dressed in maid's clothes and stood on both sides.

One of the two maidservants was carrying a flower basket, scattering crystal-clear flower petals from time to time. The other person was playing a bamboo flute, playing a melodious and pleasant celestial music that made people feel relaxed and happy.