The power of a half-Saint weapon

On the entire peak, other than the main tomb at the center, all the formations in the ancient palace were broken. All the treasures were revealed, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Three of the treasures emitted a light that was even more intense than the ten thousand falling bow. One was Scarlet, one was silver, and one was pitch black. They flew in three different directions.

These three treasures were all half-holy weapons!

In addition to these half-Saint weapons, there were also four upper-grade spirit treasures, and more mid-grade and lower-grade spirit treasures. As the formation disappeared, they all flew up and fled in different directions.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish"

Ye chen pulled the godly bow and shot out nine golden light arrows in a row, blocking the path of the silver treasure that was closest to him. The true appearance of the silver treasure was revealed. It was a silver-white ancient Bell.