Chapter 147 the miserable fa Kong

The Supreme purple treasure vault was located on a Saint mountain near the Fortune Golden Dragon of the Ziwei Empire. The entire mountain was filled with all kinds of complicated formation patterns, and it was filled with the vast aura of the saintly way. There was even a faint aura of the great emperor realm.

Ye chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The Zi Wei Empire was really too rich!

Ye chen was worried about Zi Menghan's safety, so he left Yu Huatian's puppet incarnation with Zi Menghan.

Through his treasure hunting talent, ye chen discovered that the treasure light in this Treasury was even more intense than the sun. The colorful treasure light gathered together, creating a dazzling light that made it hard to open one's eyes.

Ye chen did not have any other thoughts about the Treasury of the Zi Wei Empire. He did not want to Rob this Treasury just for the sake of treasure. As for what kind of treasure Zi Menghan would get, it would be up to her to decide.