Sakra is your Junior Brother?

there are many hidden places in the universe. Even the great emperor at his peak couldn't find out all the secrets. Only those who have experienced it personally know the dangers.

Taoist Xuan Tian looked into the distance and said, " "For example, the extinct land. If I didn't enter it myself, I wouldn't have believed that such a place existed in the world."

As they spoke, the two of them arrived at the place where Xuan Xin and the tyrant spear Saint son were fighting.

It was a scene of chaos.

Everything within a thousand-mile radius was in ruins. Mountains had collapsed, rivers had dried up, and canyons and cracks that stretched as far as the eye could see were filled with a dilapidated aura.

Fa Kong looked around and realized that the place was filled with the destruction left behind by the sky shaking Bell. There were also remnants of the aura left behind by the Dao burial and the six paths of reincarnation. He concluded that Xuan Xin had fought someone here.