How many more unparalleled sovereigns are there in the profound heaven sacred land?

Seven demon Venerables besieged the xuantian pass, demonic blade ding Peng came out of the mountain and killed seven demon Venerables in a row, shocking the demon world.

The ten thousand miles around the Xuan heaven pass had become a forbidden zone for the demon race. No demon venerable dared to get close, and the subordinate forces of the great sun demon race had all given up on their desire for the Xuan heaven pass.

Every demon commander was an ancestor-level figure in their race. No demon race could afford to lose a demon commander. The Xuan heaven pass was too hard to break. No matter how generous the rewards were, they had to be alive to take it!

Of course, with the great sun demon race's orders, the subordinate forces couldn't just do nothing. They all decided to target the disciples of the mysterious heaven Holy Land and leave the mysterious heaven pass to the great sun demon race!