Xuan Xin, shield!


die! huoxu Zi shouted coldly. His long golden hair danced in the wind, and his divine power poured into the Golden divine sword. The Golden divine sword released a sword light that pierced through the sky and the earth. It slashed toward the sky shaking Bell above his head, forcefully cutting apart the void along the way.

"Boom boom boom!"

Deafening rumbles sounded between heaven and earth. Dazzling light covered the sky, thousands of DAOs were in chaos, and heaven and earth collapsed. The sky shaking Bell was sent flying on the spot.

Xuan Xin ignored the sky-shaking Bell. The life essence in his body surged, and a violent force circulated in his body ten times in the blink of an eye. Then, a pair of mountain-like fist prints appeared out of thin air.

If it weren't for the Tribulation runes, even Xuan Xin might not have been able to withstand it.

The world-ending tyrant fist!