Chapter 223 Emperor-level battle!

The projection of the Emperor-to-be reappeared in the world. He was majestic and tall, and his body was shining brightly. His eyes were like two divine lightning, making it impossible to see his true appearance. There were thousands of great DAOs flowing on his body, and the immortal Emperor's might was vast. Many nearby mountains collapsed one after another.

This was just a projection of an Emperor-to-be, but it contained Supreme Emperor power. Just the divine power that was naturally released from the body had such unparalleled divine power. If it was at its peak, it was probably enough to destroy a great thousand world!

If the true body of this Emperor-to-be was here, no one in the Dao transformation mountain range would have a chance to escape, not even the Saints!

Just by looking at this figure, it gave people a sense of vicissitudes as if they had been reincarnated for thousands of lives.