The divine Son of Qilin is dead!


The huge Kylin behind the Son of God Kylin let out a deafening roar. It broke through the void and appeared in front of Yu Ling in an instant. Its two front hooves were burning with flames as it stomped down on Yu Ling. The power of destruction was so strong that it seemed like it could easily crush a big world.

The divine Son of Kylin didn't clamor like the other Saint level characters. He didn't say a word of nonsense and directly launched an attack.

Yu Ling's expression didn't change. She gently raised her Jade-like hand, and her palm turned into a lonely large tomb. A tombstone that reached the sky appeared above it. It was crystal-clear and resplendent, and it shone with a brilliant light. It carried a domineering aura that could bury the entire world as it fearlessly charged toward the sky-covering Qilin.

Divine power, Dao burial!

"Boom boom boom!"