Reasoning of what is to come part I

Proud of herself, Kendra then put the pocket knife back in the secret compartment under her dress and began to walk back to the gathering to grab food. As she was approaching the scene, she noticed her Uncle from afar. Uncle Azar was no one to be messed with as he is known to be cold-blooded, even to his own family. Uncle Azar approached Kendra as if he was gliding on ice in a hailstorm. "Hello, my sweet Kendra." Uncle Azar said in a tone as if he was mocking her existence. "Good evening Uncle Azar." "Are you causing trouble with your cousin again?" his voice instantly changed from a settled chillness to a blistering blizzard that could freeze your pride. "No, sir." "Then why did Charlotte tell me you almost killed her with a pocket knife." he spat out. "If you're so worried about her well-being, then add a collar." Kendra spat back. Kendra's ears twisted as she heard her Uncle laugh for the second time, nothing exhausts her more than seeing this man smile. "Kendra, my dear… always filled with such fire. You'll be the death of us all." Uncle Azar said in a voice Kendra did not recognize as he held her chin in the palm of his hand. A moment had gone by and Uncle Azar finally let go of Kendra's chin, kissed her hand, and exited the gathering with a hint of a smile as he passed her. He needs major doses of therapy, like immediately. Now free of her Uncle, Kendra makes her way through the bar where the table of food is. One of the workers there, Mrs. Penny already knew what Kendra was after and gave her a plate that was wrapped in aluminum foil. "I made an extra plate for you sweetie! It's butter glazed with lemon and cilantro Lobster, Crab, Roasted Asparagus, and roasted herb potatoes!" "Oh! Thank you, Mrs.Penny, you are just heaven on earth." Flattered by her response, Mrs.Penny smiled sweetly at Kendra. Mrs.Penny had always loved Kendra as if she was her daughter and was always there for her when her parents were out of town. "Now go before someone sees you!" "Yes ma'am," Kendra says as she kisses Mrs.Penny on the cheek and exits in the servant's headquarters.