Meet your Maker part I

With one quick step, William lunged at me… wrapping his throat around me, choking the very life out of me. I heard Beliath running towards us, trying to stop William from choking me, but Abbadon stopped him, "It's not your time yet, boy," He said as he flicked his wrist as Beliath flew across the room. Azar swirled around and stopped behind Abbadon, causing him to turn around hastily. Azar wasted now time as shielded me with the same forcefield as before and grabbed Abbadon's shoulders, holding him in place. I was coughing trying to catch my breath when I heard him say, "I know what you're after," He said as he gritted his teeth. "You know nothing!" Abbadon said as he braced himself and held Azar's shoulders as well. "I know how the very image of her haunts you… making you wish that she was at your reach," "I am warning you!" Abbadon said, gripping his shoulders harder.