Dou Lin the Shadow Guard

Li Qiang knew that the man was one of the reasons why he was still alive. Despite Li Qiang being good for nothing, this man didn't hesitate to save him countless times. And for that, he was thankful. Meaning, he is going to let the man live.

"Thank you." Li Qiang said.

"I was just following her highness, the late princess' orders. You should probably thank your mother for doing that." The guard said, his tone somber. This body's mother already passed away ten years ago and she… well… Li Qiang recalled that she was a Princess from another Empire.

He tried to think of that woman's face and quickly realized something. This stupid Li Qiang didn't even remember his mother's face! He gritted his teeth. Sadly, his memories were limited by the things that the original Li Qiang knew. How irritating.

"So you have been following me for ten years. May I know your name?" "What is your name?"

"My people call me Dou, you can call me Dou Lin."

Li Qiang nodded and eyed the daggers in the man's waist. "Thank you for saving my life in the past as well."

"Nineteen times." Dou Lin chided. "I have prevented nineteen assassinations including the one in the forest." His words left Li Qiang in silence. He knew that a lot of people hated him because of his brash behavior and womanizing ways. However, not many of those could get close enough to try to assassinate him.

"My late mother ask you to follow me around?"

"And it took you ten years to realize that." Duo Lin said, sarcasm lacing his tone. Li Qiang could have said something sarcastic in return. But he didn't. He had more pressing matters to think about than this man's sarcasm.

"How many people are following me?"

"I am not liable to answer that." Duo Lin said. "We are organized by her highness to keep you safe."

"I see. I want to talk to your head… leader or whatever you call him." Li Qiang's words earned a scoff from Duo Lin. "I want to see him." Li Qiang added ignoring the man's reaction.

"And what?" Dou Lin said. "You can never lead us," he spouted.

Li Qiang looked at Dou Lin and rose from his seat. He calmly approached him. "You don't understand," he smiled. "I was not asking a question nor permission." In a swift move, he detached one dagger from Dou Lin's waist and pressed it against the man's neck. The move was too quick that it took the man opposite him by surprise.

Duo Lin widened his eyes. But his surprise was short-lived as he maneuvered himself and quickly moved away from the knife, expecting Li Qiang to lose his footing and stumble. But who was Li Qiang? In the previous world, very few people could defeat him in hand-to-hand combat. Li Qiang shifted his weight to his left leg and release a kick towards Dou Lin.

While the kick was not enough to make Duo Lin unconscious, the surprise that he felt was enough to make him fall on the floor. Someone without martial arts wouldn't know how to do that! Li Qiang was useless trash! He does not even know the basics of the basics when it comes to martial arts.

Dou Lin furrowed his brows, his gaze turned alert as he got up and observe Li Qiang. Everyone in this place knew that the King's brother was a waste. Li Qiang does not have any idea on how to control his Qi. Yet, Li Qiang was there, standing, towering over him. Their height difference was small but right now, Li Qiang's presence can never be ignored.

"Who are you?" Duo Lin managed to ask as Li Qiang approached him. Gaze wary, he took a step back and use a stance that says, he was ready to attack Li Qiang at any given moment. He took three daggers, intending to throw them towards the man approaching him. "Who are you!?" Dou Lin hissed.

Li Qiang only responded with a smile. He expertly moved his hand, letting the dagger dance in his finger. Then, he said, "Before my mother died… she gave me a pendant that looked like a wolf." Li Qiang said. "Only me and she knows this. That was bigger than the pendant of the necklace that you are wearing now." Dou Lin's necklace was revealed after he fell. Li Qiang thought it was lucky that he recalled the same necklace from his jewelry box.

The previous Li Qiang thought the necklace wasn't luxurious enough so he refused to wear it and just left it sitting at the bottom of the box.

He watched as Dou Lin narrowed his eyes at him.

"I will show it to your leader." Li Qiang added. Dou Lin didn't need to say anything else. He could easily read his facial expression. It was something that Li Qiang was very good at when he was still on earth. He titled his head towards the door before he looked at Dou Lin, meeting his eyes. "People are coming." He said. "Tell your people not to approach any further."

The man let out a surprised gasp. "How did you…" He stared at him, speechless. It was the reaction that Li Qiang wanted to see. Oh, how he loved surprising people. Isn't it nice to leave people speechless? Maybe the fact that Li Qiang sensed all of his comrades approaching them made the man a little dumb. Or maybe it was just because of Li Qiang's good looks.

Either way, the fact that Dou Lin stood there as a dumb statue amused him.


"I will be down in a minute." Li Qiang uttered the chill in his voice completely gone. It was as if it was never there in the first place.

"You tricked me." Dou Lin said.

"Ah… it took you minutes to realize that?"

The realization in Dou Lin's eyes was apparent. After Li Qiang attacked him, his comrades moved closer to the mansion. This should be enough for Li Qiang to sense them. It was all a trick. He intentionally attacked him to reveal the people watching over Li Qiang.

And it worked.

"You won't tell me anything." Li Qiang shrugged. He gave the man another smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Now… I have to eat my dinner. You can leave. Don't forget to tell your leader to talk to me."

Li Qiang turned his back and walked towards the door. "And Dou Lin?" he looked over his shoulders. The same sickening smile was plastered on his face.


"I am very glad to have met such an outstanding man like you." Li Qiang said. "Let's work together in the future, alright?" He beamed before walking out of his room, leaving Dou Lin in a daze.


"Master," Gregory said respectfully when he saw Li Qiang walking towards the dining room. "We have a little problem."

"Hm?" Li Qiang lifted an eyebrow.

"Some of the mistresses, threw a tantrum when they knew that you will have dinner out of your quarters today. Some said they kill themselves if you won't let them join you for dinner."

"Is that so?" Li Qiang's lips thinned.

"Moreover, the second madam also insisted on joining you prompting the other madam to join as well."

"How many of them are already in the dining room?"

"About twenty-five and many are still coming."

"I see." Li Qiang nodded. "Then… Bring me my sword."

"Master?" Gregory lifted his head and looked at him.

"Didn't you hear me? I want to practice my skills in swordsmanship." Li Qiang tilted his head and met Gregory's eyes. "Bring. Me. My. Sword."