Wang Rouyun The Eldest Miss

A few days after Li Qiang asked his mistresses and wives to move out of his mansion, he received the summon of the king. To his surprise, the king also asked him to prepare a gift for the General that will arrive in the Capital on the day of Li Qiang's visit. The letter said that General Wang would come back after three years of working in the borders, fighting rebels.

"General Wang…" Li Qiang frowned as he recalled the old General who trained his brother. General Wang's hatred towards Li Qiang was known in the Capital. Now his brother wanted him to bring gifts to the old General. Was he trying to make the old General die from too much anger? Li Qiang sighed. The previous him would have loved to anger the General, however, this time, he does not intend to offend anyone. At least not when he was as weak as chicken. "Dou Lin… is there a way to travel in the capital faster?" he asked as an idea sprouted in his mind.

"A carriage would need five days to reach the capital. However, if you travel by horse, then it would be faster. Two days, if you won't sleep and eat." Since he discovered Dou Lin's presence, he had been staying close to Li Qiang every day. While Dou Lin did not reveal himself in front of other people, he always stayed next to Li Qiang whenever he was alone.

"I see…" Li Qiang stood from his bed and walked towards the window. "Will you accompany me to the capital?" In the past few days, he had been staying in this room, always looking, observing, and thinking about this new world. Slowly, he was getting bored.

Good thing, the King asked him to travel. Still, he couldn't help but think that the King was up to something. No, there is no way that the man would ask her to give a gift to General Wang out of goodwill. He must be scheming something.

"I will."

"Good… then can you teach me magic during our travel?" Li Qiang had been asking him almost everyday now. He knew he was a waste but he was never the type to gave up. Not on Earth and not in this world.

Dou Lin pursed his lips and stared at him, disbelief clear in his eyes. He had been telling Li Qiang that he cannot learn magic simply because he doesn't have one.

"All right. I will stop bugging you about these things." Li Qiang added after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence. "When will your boss see me?"

"When the right time comes."

"Hmmm…Then, I want to be alone." Li Qiang said. "If you want to observe me and know my secrets then leave me. Don't just watch me like this. There is no way that I would reveal my secrets while you are here." He added. The only reason why Dou Lin would accompany him all the time was so he could observe Li Qiang. It must be something that the leader of this group ordered. However, Li Qiang found this stupid- too stupid.

If Li Qiang wanted to hide something, why would he show it when this Dou Lin was around? Wouldn't that be too dense? How could these people think that he could be that stupid? Alright, maybe the previous Li Qiang was stupid. Li Qiang shook his head inwardly.

These people must have thought that he was still the slow Li Qiang, he concluded as he sat back on his bed. He felt Dou Lin disappear without saying a word. Li Qiang then lie down and closed his eyes. He started to meditate.


A thing that was very common in this world. People here meditate to advance their magic. However, instead of lying down, they tend to do it while sitting down in a lotus position. Of course, Li Qiang was not going to follow the norm. First and foremost, he never learned how to meditate to access magic. No one taught him anything because, well… he was a waste! He does not have any magic in his system.

Since he was a child, Li Qiang was already deemed as worthless, a normal person who cannot use magic. It was said that his veins and core simply could not store magic at all. Li Qiang gritted his teeth at the cliche transmigration moment.

Most transmigration novels are the same! But was he the type to follow the script of this world? Li Qiang gritted his teeth and shook his head inwardly. He refused to believe that he could not do anything about his ability.

Instead of practicing magic or looking for ways to make him store magic in his core or dantian, Li Qiang chose to practice something that he learned from Earth. In this world, Li Qiang chose not to become a magic-user but a Qi master. That was pretty popular on earth. In fact, someone taught them a meditation method when he was still working with Wang Rou.

That meditation was supposed to make their bodies lighter. And to Li Qiang, a lighter body is better than nothing.

Li Qiang was very familiar with Tai Chi when he was still on Earth. He had also learned the art of acupuncture and other forms of traditional medicine when he was still training with Wang Rou. He figured that he could use this knowledge to survive in this world.

Li Qiang steadied his breathing. If this world enabled people to use magic from the four elements, then what if… this world could also enhance someone's internal energy? What if he can use Qi just like how people in this world use magic?

The possibilities only made Li Qiang excited.

Not long after he closed his eyes, Li Qiang realized that he was right. He indeed felt his internal energy in this world. He could feel it thriving in his veins, full of life and energy! The fact instantly made him elated. He decided to continue meditating and studying his body, using this energy so he could explore more options for his future.

After a few hours of meditating, Li Qiang was interrupted by his butler.


"Please forgive me for interrupting your sleep." Gregory looked at Li Qiang. Seeing Li Qiang's vibrant complexion made him wonder if the Duke was finally healthy and will go back to his old self soon.

"Hmmm… I want to travel tomorrow. Bring enough clothes. Visit the treasury and prepare the gift for the General."

Gregory nodded. "I already looked into the treasury and prepared two gifts."

"Two?" Li Qiang raised an eyebrow. "One is enough. I am sure that the General is not that greedy."

"But two Generals are coming back to the capital."

"Two? Who is the other one?" he asked.

"The General's daughter will accompany him. Miss Wang… Wang Rouyun."

Li Qiang stilled. It was as if a clap of thunder struck him. He felt his face lose all its color as he looked at his servant. "Wang Rouyun?" he uttered, almost breathless.

"The General's eldest miss… she is…" Gregory's words seemed to echo inside Li Qiang's head as memories of a woman riding a stallion wearing all white swept into his mind like a tornado.

"Wang Ruo"

"Wang Ruoyun"