Finlo, The Prophet

East of Sirluu

Oosawa Mountains also known as the Wilds of No Return

Two months ago

Finlo threw the stone towards the lake just as the cold breeze hit his legs. He shivered.

"Finlo, you won't be able to catch a fish like that." The old man next to him said. His eyes were closed as he calmly laid down on the grass before them.


"Stop dawdling and catch a fish! I am hungry."

Finlo snorted but didn't say another word again. "Why do you like to eat poison fish? I thought they tasted weird and their…"

"If you say one more thing about those fishes, I will let you eat it raw."


"Including its insides."


"Finlo, if you think being stuck in this place eating poisonous fishes is the worst thing, you should go out of this forest and witness the…"

"Cruelty of the world." Finlo finished his grandfather's words while rolling his eyes. The old man had been saying the same thing every time he talked about the world outside of this forest, the world that Finlo never had any chance to see… yet.

"You listen to your old man brat. Once you find your master, you will have to leave this place! But before that—before the prophesy… you will have to stay here with me and catch some fish for your old man! Now, enough talking and catch one for me!"


Something that Finlo had been waiting for since he was born twenty-four years ago. Sometimes, he wondered if his grandfather's words were really true. Would that man really come into this world? Would he really change this world? A sigh escaped his lips.

No matter.

His ancestors, the people before him, and his grandfather believed that this person exists, it is only right that he listened to his grandfather's words. His eyes lingered at the muddy green water of the poison lake. He had been eating poisonous fish since he was young, he should have gotten used to its taste.

However, he still disliked it.

Though he was still quite thankful, because of it, his body was practically immune to any poison anymore.


"Grandpa?" His gaze immediately turned alert when he saw his grandfather convulsed, his body shaking as beads of sweat started to appear on his forehead. This wasn't the first time that this happened and he was certain this wasn't the last either. After all, he was a prophet. Someone who was born to accompany the one.

The one who had never existed in this world for more than a century now.

"Grandpa? Is it another war?"

He turned his gaze back to the lake.

As someone who could foresee the future, their family had been hunted for centuries as kings and queens wanted them by their side. This ability, while useful, was also a curse.

"Or another struggle?"

When he heard no response from his grandfather, he immediately turned and discovered that the old man seemed to be in a daze. "Grandpa?"

"It's him."

"Huh? Who?"

"The one… "

Finlo lifted an eyebrow. "Are you— you mean you saw him? He was… born?"

The old man looked at him, his pupils still white, the after-effects of using the ability. Slowly, the white disappeared, revealing brown orbs that resembled Finlo's. "No."

"Huh? Did he die before he was born?" Was the old man telling the truth? Or was he hallucinating?

"He was already here…"


"To the east. We are going to the West."


"Let's go to the Kingdom of Yu." The old man got up and turned his gaze towards the east. "Finlo… " He clenched his hands into two tight fists. "The man who would change the world just arrive in this world."


Yu Kingdom

West of Sirluu Continent

Duke Wang's residence


"You said, he would feel better soon!" Wang Rouyun hissed at her future husband. "Why isn't he awake yet?"

"How should I know? I never checked his body!" Li Qiang shrugged in response. He was enjoying his tea while watching Ouyang Jing in agony. "Ah, Lady Wang… you should sit down and drink your tea before it gets cold."

Wang Rouyun snorted. "You told me…"

"I told you that normally, people infected by my poison would recover after a month. This isn't a normal situation." After all, he doubled the amount of poison inside Ouyang Jing's body. Of course, he wasn't going to tell her that. "But then again, this man hit me. I think he deserves to suffer for a month or two, no?"

"You—How dare you— "

"You can call me petty." Li Qiang interrupted her. Honestly, he was enjoying the company of this fiery woman.

At first, he thought Wang Rouyun was really different from his Wang Rou. It turns out, they are quite the same. They are people who would never abandon a comrade.

"You are shameless!"

"Thank you very much."

"That was not a compliment!" Wang Rouyun let out a loud sigh to calm her anger. It had been a few weeks since she had the deal with Li Qiang. She agreed to become his wife and take him to the north to get him away from the King.

In return, Li Qiang would cooperate with her in protecting Wang Duchy.

Until now, Wang Rouyun didn't understand why she actually agreed to marry him. Li Qiang was… dangerous. She couldn't read his actions or his mind.

Moreover, there was something strange about Li Qiang.

Wang Rouyun already sent people to investigate what happened in the border town where he was staying and everyone came up empty-handed. They couldn't find out anything suspicious about him.

Well at least before the latest accident where they found him in that forest. Aside from that, Li Qiang was just the normal Li Qiang.

"I want you to heal him. Make him better…" Wang Rouyun said.

"Lady Wang… you already know that I only know how to kill. I don't heal people." Li Qiang smirked. "Well, it has been fun. But I have to leave as I needed to do some stuff before… our wedding."

"Are you coming back?"

"Of course. I will come back until warrior Jing is healed." Oh… if only Wang Rouyun knew.

Li Qiang gave her a dashing smile.


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