Enjoying her Anger

"Why are you here again?" Wang Rouyun crossed her arms across her chest as she looked at him with irritation.

"Obviously, I am watching my wife train."

"Shameless. You just wanted to watch Ouyang Jing suffer."

"That is true too. But nothing is more important than watching my lovely wife train early in the morning and of course, to freeload. Don't forget… it's still part of the fine prints."

Li Qiang was beaming. Wang Rouyun is not Wang Rou but teasing her was really fun. The woman's temper was short and explosive. Seeing her turn red from anger is enough to make his day.

Seeing her wipe her sweat, Li Qiang leaned against the tree next to Wang Rouyun. "The King's people are watching us. You should treat me with… respect."


"And love."

"I told you to stop coming here. While your brother already told us that we are going to get married, he hasn't formally announced our marriage yet."

"True." Li Qiang agreed. Coming in here means, exposing himself to the King's spies. But he was here for a reason. "I heard that Duke Wang has a mine… magic stones?"

"Don't you have one too?"

"Did you really think my dear brother would give me something that precious?" he argued.

"Why are you asking?" she asked.

"Was it in the north?"

This time, Wang Rouyun nodded. "Our territory is in the North. We own a mine and everyone is aware of that."

"That was also the target of the tribes and barbaric?" Li Qiang was talking about the people who lived far north. They don't acknowledge King Zenu and don't pay taxes nor follow the rules. And most importantly, they liked to robbed the King.


"I heard the north is quite troublesome right now."


"Nothing, I am just curious."

"Curiosity could kill people, Duke."

Curiosity killed the cat. That was a pretty well-known idiom back on earth. However, that is only a part of the idiom. The complete one says, curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. "True. It could easily kill normal people." He emphasized the word normal.

Wang Rouyun's nostrils flared. "Tell me, what do you really want? Why did you come here again?"

In fact, they already agreed not to see each other, especially not when a lot of people are surrounding them. It was because they wanted everyone to think that they don't want this marriage. The plan was to show people how cold they were to each other until they leave this damn place.

"I want the information about the tribes, the bandits, and barbarians. I want everything."

"And in exchange?"

"Hmmm…" Li Qiang looked at the training ground where everyone was wielding their swords but are clearly observing them. "I don't know. Let's say, I will give you a chance to asked something from me."


He nodded. "Anything, at all.."

Wang Rouyun pursed her lips. Despite not wearing any sort of make-up, she still looked vibrant and beautiful. Her skin seemed to sparkle against the heat of the setting sun. Her hair was in an elegant ponytail. And most importantly, she was also wearing white.

Just like Li Qiang.

"Money?" she asked.

"When you marry me, you will have everything that I owned." Li Qiang was rich, alright. He wasn't just rich because he was a Duke. It was because he had been robbing a few carriages of gold lately.

Right now, Li Qiang would dare say that he was already the richest man in the capital. The thought made him laugh.

"…" She snorted. "I don't need money."


"Then give me the antidote – "

"Can't. I already told you there is no antidote."

"I don't believe you."

He shrugged in response. Was he really the type of man that would easily forgive someone who hurt him? That man beat him, a useless person until he fainted!

Was he supposed to forgive him just because a beautiful woman asked him to?



Not ever.

"Then I am not giving you anything."


"Don't call me that."

"What?" he lifted an eyebrow. "You are going to be my wife. I should start calling you Rou'er so I would get used to it."

"You— You are one shameless Duke!"

She grabbed her sword and started walking away from the tree. Of course, Li Qiang followed behind her. "You know, I could just pay other people to gather this information."

"What made you think that other people would have such information?"

My… My…

"Rou'er you should understand the concept of business."

"I don't do business."

"True. That's why I will handle this matter for you." Before she could say anything, he added. "I came here because I respect the Wang Family who owned the territory. But this doesn't mean I can't acquire the information that I need elsewhere. You should understand that you can have everything in this world… at the right price."

She halted her steps and turned towards him. Her clear eyes started scrutinizing him. It was as if she was wondering if he was bluffing.

"You really think someone would actually acquire that information at the cost of their lives?" The reason why not many people knew about the important information about the tribes was that they simply died on their way back.

The people leaving in the north were quite brutal. They hated outsiders and loved to fight.

Most merchants who dared to go there never came back.

Because of this, only the people in the military knew as they were the ones who usually patrol those areas and came back alive.

Or so everyone thought.

"Lady Wang… you really are stubborn." And surprisingly unaware of the reality.

Those people, the tribes aren't some ignorant animals. They must have some ways to trade with someone.

"Why do you need that information anyway?"

"I already told you, I just want to prepare myself." And have some reason to see her angry.

"Again, I don't believe you."

Li Qiang only beamed in response. "Anyway, since you don't want to give me anything. I don't want to disturb you anymore. I shall take my leave. Of course, I will come back tomorrow to talk about this matter again."


Li Qiang waved at her before turning his back and walking out of the Wang Family mansion.

When he arrived in his carriage, his carefree expression immediately vanished. "Dou Lin…"


"How many this time?" he asked just as the carriage started running.

"Two. Experts. Swordsman." Dou Lin was talking about the people who were secretly watching them earlier. "It seems that the spies around you increased. I believe they are getting impatient. If the Wang Family won't kill you, the king might actually send another group of assassins to kill you soon."

Li Qiang's gaze turned dark.

The King wanted to ruin the Wang Family and kill Li Qiang at the same time.

He wanted to kill two birds using one stone.


And it would have worked.

If he was still the previous Li Qiang.

Sadly, he was no longer that person.


Please don't forget to vote for the novel.

There will be an upcoming mass release soon.

I also decided to lock the chapters earlier. Thanks.

Stay safe and healthy,
