A Killing Blow


"Alright, we are taking a break here!" The setting sun casts a beautiful shade towards them. "Prepare the tents and the food!" They are currently in the grassland just before they enter a forest. They should stay in this place as the forest was dangerous during the night.

She eyed the two luxurious carriages. "What is he doing?"

"Reading," Adelfa answered.

"Reading books?" Wang Rouyun frowned. She actually thought that Li Qiang would bother her on this trip. She thought that he would insist on riding a horse too, or maybe even insist that they ride one horse together. But none of this happened.

It was weird.

She turn her attention to the soldiers who started preparing their tents. It is better to put her attention into something more important than Li Qiang. It took the soldiers about an hour to finally set up everything.

"Miss… something is happening," Adelfa said in a low tone.
