A Few Thousand

The moon hung in silence. Like a glowing orb, it illuminated the white plains of the north. But it didn't take too long before a chilly breeze interrupted the silence of the night. It whistled past the dead branches of trees, past the mountains, and then into the large village located in a valley and into the shadow that sat languidly into the branch of the tree.

The shadow belonged to none other than Li Qiang.

He had an apple in his hand, his feet were dangling down as he stared at the moon in the sky.

"They are leaving," Dou Lin whispered next to him. "Should we follow them?"

"No need," Li Qiang said.

"I thought we were here to listen to their conversation?"

"Ah… no." Li Qiang smiled. "You do that after we do our mission for the night."

"I thought…"