The Revelation

In a hospital an individual was running to a room . He face was looking very scared and he was in a very hurry .

Yeah you all guessed right it was me who was running in the hospital like a crazy monkey .

After running for about 20 minutes I found a door whose number was 122 . I opened the door and saw my mom lying on the bed .

" Mom are you okay , what happened ? "

I ask her as soon as I got near her bed . There was woman who was lying on the bed and she was looking weak from her appearance . She gave a weak smile and said

" I am fine son , you shouldn't have worry about me you can go back to school I'll be fine ."

" Are you joking I won't even move a inch from here until you get better ."

I said with a serious face . She is jut too much careless about herself . And now she is saying me to leave ' LIKE HELL I WOULD DO THAT ' I said in my inner voice .

Then suddenly the door behind got opened and a girl entered the room with a very worried face.

" MOM !! Are you okay ? ."

Luna said as soon as she entered the room

" I am okay Luna you don't have to worry ."Mom said while giving her a gentle smile

" Wow aren't you too much early ." I said as soon as she came inside .

She ignored me and directly went to bed were mom was lying . They both started to talk about various things ignoring me . And after some time she looked at me she said

" It's all because of you why mom is in this condition ."

"Wait ! What ! what did i do ?" I got confused

" Because of your food fetish mom got faint by over work ."

" Isn't it right Mom ? "

" Whaaaaattttttttt seriously you think very illogical things ." I said with a very furious reaction

" No its not just because of overwork ." The doctor came .

I asked " What do mean doctor ? "

" According to me she is been dealing with lots a of stress and tension ." Doctor said with a very serious face .

" Stress ? What kind of stress ? . " Luna was confused but I was not because I knew that something was wrong within this few days . I know that she is hiding something from us . I got near mom and said.

"I know mom , you have been hiding something from us in this past few days ."

" Wa...What are you saying kart I don't know are you talking about ." She said with nervousness

Luna looked surprised by hearing my words . I got near her face and said

" If you won't tell me I will not let you even move from here . " I said with a dead serious face

" Son you don't have to worry its not that much big thing ? " She was trying to convince me

" Mom if it was not a big deal then you wouldn't end up in hospital , I'm not a fool ." She sighed after hearing me and finally decided to tell me

" You second sister is alive ." My heart got stopped for a few seconds after hearing her words .

" Whattttt !! " Luna shouted because of the shock she got from thous words . I knew that mom wouldn't lie to me so I calmed myself and asked .

" Where did you found out about it mom ?" She was hesitating about telling me this thing . I looked around and said

"Luna can you wait outside for a moment with doctor please ? " She looked unpleased from my words and she asked

" But why ? I also want to know about it ? "Hearing her I said

" I'll tell you later about it now go ." She went out of the room with doctors giving an unsatisfied expression . After the door was closed i turned towards I asked mom

" Now mom say how did you found about her ?" I asked with a serious face

" It happened a few days ago when I was checking our mail box and found a letter saying that dad was in a debt and they asked him to hand over her in place of money but he secretly send her to his brothers house . " Tears started to fall from mother's eyes as she was speaking "But later your dad found that his brother was with those people and until he found this secret about her she was taken away from him . He wasn't able to hold this truth and felt guilty he tryed many times to convince those people but they refused to say anything from him and the send their men to stop him and then they warned him about not telling this matter to anyone he could not tell this thing to us so kept it hidden from us by telling that she died ." She broke into tears

I was shocked that i wasn't able to speak . But after five seconds I hugged her and patted her .

" I don't know what am i supposed to do now I am getting feared after thinking that what can happen with her she is sold to any place ? What can happen with her ? I am scared . I was listening to her quietly and thinking what am i supposed to do . Looking at my mother who is mentally unstable right now after getting the shock about her step-daughter . Even though she had seen her for only few time but she was always affectionate towards her . And now finding that she in one of the most biggest problem anyone could face mom is getting scared about her.

" Don't worry mother everything will be alright ? " I tryed to comfort he but she knew that this thing cannot be easily solved because many mafia gangs were behind this thing .She was cursing her husband for hiding this fact from her for this much long time .

I was thinking of many possibilities to handle this matter but nothing was coming in my mind except one possibilities and that that i have to save her myself because i cannot bring my big brother in this matter there is no way i am going to drag him in this mess . I have to handle this situation in my own but this world is not a science fiction anime this a damm real life and i know that i wont get any super powers , in this world power comes being in a gang and getting political support from politicians . And i don't any of those things . I was cursing myself for being this weak .

But after thinking about gang power an idea came in my mind . It was an horrible idea and my chances of success was very low and my death rate was very high but this was the only way by which i can get her back . But there was also many possibilities that mother will scared about it and refuse this idea . I gathered my strength and said

" Mom I will go to bring her back ."Hearing my words her face became pale and she quickly refused

" No son ! there is no way i am going to allow that ."I knew that she would say that So i tryed make her understand the reason i am saying those words .

" Look mom there is now way we are going to get her back just by sitting here doing nothing and also you can't go you don't know anything about those gangs and also Luna needs you here So there is only me who can go there ." Listening to my words mother started to cry because she knew this that place place is not safe and she doesn't want lose her child just because she is weak . I hugged her and said

"Mom i'll be safe alright you don't have to worry " She was still crying and while sobing she said

"Sorry 'sob' 'sob' son for being 'sob' this weak 'sob' ."She was was feeling responsible for this , I tryed to cheer her saying

" Who said that you are weak ! Mom I my eyes you are the most powerful person in this world I still remember how you also took care of us even after after being a single parent i can never forgot the sacrifices you did for us . Mom remember once a great man said ' World's biggest warrior is a mother ' so don't feel bad about this minor things " She was still crying a little bit after hearing me

" Okay i will call you every week for telling my situation , is that ok now ? "

"Promise me one thing kart !" She suddenly said i was little bit surprised by hearing her

" What is it mom ? " I said curiously

" Don't ever try to put yourself in a situation which can cause you serious problem " I nodded and said

"Ok I promise I wont do anything reckless "I was satisfied with this condition

" Ok then i agree " She said with a unacceptable expression . I felt relieved after hearing her approval . And turned away but my heart nearly stoped after what i saw behind me .

I murmured " Luna "

Luna was in front of me having tears in her eyes with a angry face and said

" Liar "


Hey everyone I am sorry about uploading the second chapter this much late but I was having problem with the email .

And also thank you for showing your support .

Stay healthy .

'Go Corona Go'