
Interview for education

With the never-ending ban that was going on, articles started to pop out one after another. Especially some of this journalist had contacted lots and lots of victim from the ban. With such a high number of interviews, the japanese government might just be pressured to open the border.

Sung was also being interviewed many times and was being asked questions on why he wanted to go to Japan to study and other stuffs. With all those questions barging in, Sung doesn't felt pressured at all.

Sung : Well, my dream which is slowly being shatter by the jap government and the demon lord, is to study and work at Japan while also enjoying the experience, the tradition and the culture of Japan. But with all of the things that is happening recently, I do really think that I might have just regretting on my decision on going to Japan to study.

Interviewer : So then if you have a message towards the government of Japan and the demon lord on the border situation, what will you tell them?

Sung : For the love of god, please just open the border. I just wish the demon lord can either be an angel or evil by the border situation.

Interviewer : So then how about a message towards the people stuck by the border situation they are currently in, especially the one suffering from all kind of physical, emotional and financial struggle?

Sung : Our fight against the demon lord is not over yet. Moreover, this fight is such an important fight especially for the future. Without any resistance, there is no chance the border will open. So with this fight, not only will we be pressuring the demon lord to open the border, but then also our voice will be hear by the jap citizen. When the jap citizen starts to talk about this situation and start to protest, the government and the demon lord will have no choice but to open the border.

Interviewer : So the big player here will be the japanese citizen protesting on this situation then?

Sung : Yeah, some of the big influencer will be the japanese citizen. Just the last time when the jap government ban even the jap citizen to travel in and out of the country, the jap citizen protest on this situation. And just after 3 days, the government retract the ban on the jap citizen. While someone like us, a foreigners, will be not only minority but will sometimes be discriminated by some jap citizen who hates foreigners or even the demon lord who apparently is currently discriminating foreigners who have dreams to come to Japan and the jap citizens. This makes going to Japan much more harder than usual especially during this virus periods.

Interviewer : Then why Jap citizen still hasn't protesting this ban then?

Sung : For me, this is just a speculation. But one of the reason might have been that Jap citizen might still haven't know about the situation foreigners are in since they might have not read the news about it or maybe they just don't really care about foreigners as the situation for now might not have affect the situation for them. However, once the situation starts to affect the Jap citizen, they will try to protest against the ban.

Interviewer : Thank you for the interview. Hope you can go to Japan as soon as possible.

Sung : Thank you.

This interview that Sung was having does made him at least less pissed off. And while doing the interview, he does felt a little bit nervous as he was afraid of slip of words. But overall, the interview went well and he was happy about the interview.