Chapter Six

There were no traces of his home. Not a single one. Nothing but beautiful sights and many human beings, walking around. Some slow, some walking quiet quickly. Some adults, some children, others teenagers, others older folks. There were so many people around him, Aaron couldn't help himself but feel a little bare. He wasn't made up of power alone, somewhere inside him, there was a small part of something that made him human. Where ever Alec was, the knowledge of his powers had been erased, which meant, here, he was human. Aaron wasn't sure what to think of his new knowledge. Books and reading could only help him learn about humans only so much. The rest he'd have to learn by experience.

He cursed under his breath as the sudden pain in his back started to act up again. He was forced to bent forwards, as the many shades of the small flowers were directed into his view. A tap on his shoulder was the thing that made him jump. Which only caused embarrassment, as he missed his balance, and fell face down onto the first flower he'd seen. Which was once, a small red rose. Now, it was nothing but a crushed mess, stained to the side of his face.

''You need to be more can't be drawing attention to yourself like this.'' He heard a rather displeasing voice behind him, as he pushed himself to his feet. Angered and cranky, his eyes were wide, only until he saw Edward. Who looked completely different. His appearance had been altered. Dressed in normal clothing, which consisted of a small black jacket, and blue jeans. His hair was spiked back, and he looked to be wearing some sort of color altering contacts. Seeming confused, Aaron was sure he'd get into trouble if he mentioned the differences in his appearance, so he decided to remain quiet. Edward, nodded, as he pulled out a large white sweater. The whole thing was completely white, not even a single dark shade to be seen.

Aaron was sure, he was going to feel stupid, but reached for the sweater anyways. The sweater had no pockets, or even a zipper. He was sure he'd have to put it over his head, if he was going to wear it.

Once he had the sweater covering all of his body, he clenched his teeth. Seeming to try and bare the outfit, even though he cleared hated it. Edward, however wasn't finished with him. In the palm of his hand were two small objects. White, with the shade of brown painted in the middle. He turned his head to the side, puzzled and confused as the objects were pushed into his chest.

''Put those on. And don't ask questions, we need to blend in.'' Edward told him.

''You couldn't have picked something with a little more color? Reminds me of shit....'' Aaron complained, as he lightly widened his eyes so the contacts could fit perfectly. Once they were in, he instantly felt discomfort, as he brushed the side of his face, disgusted when he felt the disgusting juices of the squashed rose. He wiped the leftovers on the side of the sweater, lightly groaning, and mumbling the entire time, as he waited for Edward. Who looked puzzled with something other than him.

''Need something? You look like your in pain...'' Aaron laughed as he made fun of Edwards sudden serious face.

''I'm trying to focus, one mistake, could cost us everything. I'd rather not die here.'' He cursed.

''Die? Why would we die? You said this place was safe! Which made me think you've been here before!'' Aaron shouted. Which had been a huge mistake, cause he felt the hands of Edwards, press rather hard on his mouth, causing him to be quiet. Shouting wasn't a good idea. He knew that now.

''Your drawing to much attention to us.....Learn to blend in.''

''Kind of hard to do, considering I've never been here before! I don't know how to not draw attention! Alec was always good at these kinds of things. Should've been me, not him....''

''Doesn't matter now. Nothing you can do, no point hating on the past. Focus on the future, and you'll be fine. Future life lesson.'' Edward said softly.

''Whatever you say boss. So? Where do we go from here? Surely you have a plan on how to find him?''

''I don't have that much knowledge about where we landed, but I'm guessing somewhere in France....Paris maybe?''

''That's just great! You have no idea where we are! Amazing for us!'' Barked Aaron.

''Shut up would you, your not listening to me, I know where we are, aside from the whereabouts of your boyfriend, that's going to be somewhat of a challenge.''' Edward barked.

''Say.....How powerless would you say you are? On a scale of 1 to 10?'' As Aaron hurried to catch up to Edward, who'd basically left him, seeking some peace and quiet, Aaron awaited his answer. Edward sighed in defeat, as he placed his face into his palm. Probably regretting agreeing to help him, as he felt the cold temperature of Aaron once more, as their eyes found each other. Edward was quick to pull Aaron away, and off the sidewalk as fast as possible. Once he felt the sudden danger that was starting to form, he grabbed harshly onto Aaron's shoulders, practically pressing into his skin with his nails, as Aaron remained silent. His face puzzled, and confused, but also afraid of the prince.

''I don't understand why your getting so upset? I thought I was doing a good job. Blending in, isn't exactly the easiest thing for me.'' He tried to justicefie. Clearly though, Edward wasn't having any of it.

''You need to listen to me! All right? If you don't, bad things will happen! As your prince, I order you to only do what I say! Understand?!'' Edward hissed. Eager to get through to Aaron if it killed him.

''As my prince?'' Here on Earth, you aren't anyone's Prince? Maybe you can be the ruler of that toilet, seems fitting.'' Aaron said, a split second of sass, caused Edward to drop his serious expression, to look over at a teenage boy, standing next to a run down toilet. The toilet seat having been torn apart, and appeared to be extremely dirty. Edward rose his brow at the sight of the teenage boy. Almost appearing suspicious of him. Aaron however, seemed interested.

''What's your name...'' Edward asked him.

''Who-me?!'' The boy replied, his voice shaky and seeming distracted. His lip quivering, as his hands shook and twitched. Edward wasn't sure whether he was cold, nervous, or both.

''Maybe you should warm him up a little! Sure he'd appericate it! Who knows, maybe he'll be your date to the prom?'' Shouted Aaron. Edward accidentally bit down on his tongue, that only angered him more. So much in fact, he wasn't unaware of himself, when the cold air around them, suddenly became hot.

So hot in fact, Edward could feel the beat of his sweat pouring down his cheeks. ''Edward? Hey-man? You should stop, your going to blow our cover!''' Aaron, being able to understand the situation, had dashed into action almost immediately. The alley way, the three of them were standing in, had many boxes and plastic items, every time Edward's flames even got within an inch close, Aaron was quick, and would blast the bit of flames away with his ice. However, it was clear his ice was poor, and his aim was shit.

However, challenging, he'd managed to save the items from going up in flames, and getting to Edward's side, before anymore damage could be done. As he poked Edward on the arm, Edward was quick to just about kick him right in the face. As fast as his body was, without powers, Aaron managed to grab his leg before it could reach his face. Breathing heavily, Aaron pushed Edward away, before he could strike again.

''Come down firebreath! You nearly killed us!'' He shouted. As Aaron turned away from the sort of calm Edward, it was brought to his attention, the boy had been watching them the entire time. Which also mean't, he'd seen everything.....

''Shit.'' Aaron cursed....The beat of his new brown eyes starting directly into the brown eyes of the blonde haired boy, standing in front of him.