Murder and K-Dramas are Not Just for Drama

The next day, Selene and Lucy decided to spend the morning together binge-watching K-dramas and vegging out (although truth be told Selene preferred C-dramas and so there was always an argument over what to watch that ended in both deciding to let the coin gods decide).

For lunch, they met up with Peter downtown since he was at work. They were all seated in the outside patio area of Mamma's Little Café, which was walking distance to the Courthouse, enjoying their meal. Selene turned to Peter and said, "Sooo, I've held it in long enough. Is there anything else you can tell us about this new but not so new case?"

Peter rolled his eyes and said, "I knew you both had an ulterior motive for asking me to lunch today!"

Selene and Lucy giggled. Lucy put a hand on Peter's arm and said, "You know that's not true. We would have asked you to have lunch today even without that. This is…just an extra bonus." Then she put her hand over her mouth and giggled some more.

"Come on, we're just curious. You've never had a murder case before," said Selene, leaning in toward Peter when she said the word murder and whispering it.

Peter responded, "As I said last night, there's nothing more I can say at this point. I mean, it at hasn't even been a full day since I told you."

"Oh yah," said Selene, looking chagrined. "I kind of forgot about that part," she continued.

"Me too," said Lucy laughing. "We're such dorks!"

Peter laughed and said, "Cute dorks though!"

Suddenly Selene sat up straight, squinted her eyes at Peter, and said, "Wait a minute there, you little rascal." She was pointing her index finger at him and looking at him suspiciously. She continued, "You could at least tell us why you all think it was what you think it was instead of what you thought it was."

"Huh?," asked Peter, looking utterly confused.

"You know," said Selene. "Why now you all think it's murder." She said the word murder in a whisper again.

Peter put his hands up, shaking them back and forth, and said, "Oh I can't tell you that. No way."

Lucy leaned toward him, smiled innocently, and gave him her best puppy eyes. With her already large eyes, that wasn't difficult to do. She said, "Come on Peter. You know you want to. You always tell us about your cases. You know we are like vaults and never tell anyone. I don't even tell Kyle. Pretty please?" She put her hands together in a praying gesture.

Selene also gave Peter an over-exaggerated pleading look, with praying hands, and said, "Yes, pretty please with a cherry on top."

Lucy then said, "And we know how you appreciate your cherry." She giggled mischievously after she said the last part.

Peter's eyes widened in surprise at that last part and he smacked her arm. He said, "Just for that, I'm not saying anything."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," said Lucy quickly. "I was just kidding. Come on, you know how you love a good joke. You wouldn't take that seriously, would you? You know I love you and I think you're awesome for your beliefs. Come.On.Peter. Pleeeeeease."

At first Peter had his arms crossed across his chest and was looking like he was mad, even though he really wasn't all that upset, but then he gave a big smile and said, "Oh you know I'm not upset. That was a good one actually." He gave out a little laugh. "Ok, I'll tell you this little part, but you have to swear on all that is holy and pure not to say anything or I will seriously lose my job."

The women both put their hands up in a girl scout salute with three fingers up, nodded their heads, and said in unison, "I swear."

All three friends leaned in closer over the table and Peter whispered, "Something didn't add up with the case so we did some digging and we found that that drunk driver made a large deposit a couple weeks prior to the accident. After some more digging and *a lot* of tracing, we think the money is connected to the Drakos Group."

They all leaned back in their chairs, with Selene and Lucy looking stunned.

"That's just…I mean…," said Selene.

"Yah, wow," said Lucy.

"I told you it's just crazy right now," said Peter, taking a sip of his drink. "Speaking of which, I gotta head back. We should get the waitress's attention for the check."

"Don't worry, Peter, we'll get this. You head back," said Lucy.

"You sure?," asked Peter.

"Yah, no problem," said Lucy, waving him off. " You got a lot of work to do it look like." She laughed.

Peter said, "I know right? Ok, well, thanks. I'll see you guys later! Bye!" He picked up his suit jacket that was hanging on the back of his chair and left with a wave of his hands.

After he left, Selene said, "Ok, so I know we can't talk about it, but can I just say that that is crazy."

Lucy responded, "I know. I mean, I don't know much about this stuff, but even I've heard of them."

"Right? I know them mainly from their tech company, of course, but still. Why would they be involved in a you-know-what?" asked Selene.

"That's true. It's a corporation type thing. Do they even do that sort of thing? Well, It's exciting for Peter at least. I mean for his career," said Lucy.

Selene nodded said, "Yup. This could be big for him."

They changed the subject and a short while later it was time to go. They headed back to Selene's for more binge-watching and girl-time.

Later that afternoon, Selene and Lucy were both on the couch, playing on their phones, while taking a break from the TV. Suddenly, they both heard the buzz of an incoming text message on Lucy's phone. Lucy checked the message and frowned. When the phone had buzzed, Selene had looked toward Lucy and so she was able to see that she was frowning.

Selene said, "What's wrong?"

Lucy looked at her and said, "I guess it's nothing big, but Kyle said he has to work late, so we can't go out tonight." Even though she said it wasn't anything "big," she still looked sad.

Selene knew Kyle had canceled a few dates now. Nothing regular, just here and there, but it was starting to make Lucy upset. Selene said, "Oh that sucks, I'm sorry." Then, Selene got an idea and said, "But, hey, look on the bright side! We can have a sleep over!"

"What?!," exclaimed Lucy, crinkling her eyebrows and looking at Selene like she was crazy.

Selene said, "Yah, you know. We haven't done one in a while. Just spend the night. It will be a K-drama marathon!" Clearly, Lucy had won the coin toss.

"Well, if you put it that way, how can I refuse," said Lucy, laughing.

They spent the rest of the evening watching shows, talking, and generally having a good time. When Lucy left the following morning, Selene spent the next two days doing her usual weekend activities, which including working, reading books, watching TV, drawing if she had some inspiration to do so, and running errands. Lucy and Peter were busy so she wouldn't see them this weekend. The only thing unusual this time was that, when she was out, she started feeling as if someone was watching her. She looked over her shoulder a few times but didn't notice anyone following her, so she chalked it up to her usual paranoia and went about her errands.